28. feb. 2011

I love you Donald!

Hi Everyone

I spent my weekend doing one of my favorite things, reading Donald Duck magazines. I buy them every week and I am not embarrassed to say that buying Donald Ducks magazine is the biggest highlight of my week. I love Donald Duck magazines because they are funny, exciting and dramatic. The stories make me happy and they make me smile, and the toys you get in the magazines are super cool. So if there is any magazine you should buy, its Donald Duck.

 Donald and Dolly get married! OMG

 Donald Duck toys.

#Fun fact: I have started to collect Donald Duck magazines from every country I have visited, but so far I only have a Danish Donald Duck magazine.

3 kommentarer:

  1. sv: Thank you sweety :D Den er fra American Apparel, de har MANGE kule neglelakker alså. 3 for 17 pund ;)


    Svigermor har spart på Donald-blader helt siden 1989, så du kan gjette hvor mange vi har liggende hjemme....


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