Name: Lars Vaular
Age 25 (I asked and he doesn’t mind getting presents from fans)
Star Sign: Virgo
Relationship status: No comment
On Girls:
What type of girls do you like? I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet.
Describe your perfect date: A perfect date for me is being her with you, eating pizza and answering your questions. The thing is, I don’t really go on dates, so I have a hard time separating the good ones from the bad ones.
Are you romantic? I might not be romantic, but I am comfortable.
Do you fall in love easily? No, but I get fascinated easily.
Are you sensitive? I’m easily moved by things.
Are you very ticklish? Yes, I am.
Have you ever dated someone with African origin? Yes I have.
Would you do it again? Definitely.
If you had to choose between hanging out with your boys or with your girlfriend, what would you choose? Hanging out with my girlfriend.
You are friends with John Olav (from John Olav & Gjengen). Whenever you guys go out who gets the most girls? We don’t go out to get girls, but you’d have to ask John Olav about that.
On music:
On your track “En eneste”, you sing about how upset you got when the relationship with your ex- girlfriend ended. What did she think when she heard that song? No comment.
Was it difficult to write such a personal song? Yes it was.
On Hair:
What inspired your hairstyle? And how do you get your hair looking so glamorous and healthy?
My hair is inspired by the 80s and British mod culture. The secret behind my glamorous hair is the fact that I don’t wash it and I let professionals cut it.
Lars the model.
On life:
Who is Lars Vaular? He’s me.
Is it a part of your image to be mysterious? I think it’s a part of my personality.
Do you feel sexy? I feel pretty skinny. Correction: I’m fucking skinny.
But if you feel so skinny, why did you choose to pose topless for your album cover? That’s because I don’t have issues with being skinny.
What do you do in your spare time? Right now I don’t have any spare time, but the things I would do in my spare time are the things I do all the time. I make music, I write. I would love to hang out more and lift weights. I love being with the guys as well.
“Russen” are enjoying the last days of their reckless partying. How were you, when you were a “russ”? I wasn’t engaged as a “russ”. I wasn’t at any “russ” gatherings; I didn’t even have my own “russ” clothes. I inherited my best friends gear, as he’d been a “russ” the previous year.
Tell us a funfact: Sometimes I wonder why I have to answer all these questions. I try my best to answer the questions because I’m polite, but I don’t think people realize that.

You can buy his album HeltomNattenHeltomdagen
Bye < 3
Nice intervju, er glad på Lars sine vegne at han har fått såpass med suksess. Han fortjener det!
SvarSlettSnart tre år siden jeg var dødskul og hørte på Eg e fra Bergen.. Allerede da hadde han ganske bra med fans her :)