Starbucks is nice, they have some incredible good latte mixes that I yet have to see in Norwegian coffeeshops, sadly. What mosts people criticize is coming way back from around 2000 or something, the pure espressos was a bit. well.. :), but ever since stupid people are telling the same lie over an over. Today, Starbucks IS GOOD :)
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i don't see the biggie in em either. Just packs on the pounds
SvarSlettStarbucks is nice, they have some incredible good latte mixes that I yet have to see in Norwegian coffeeshops, sadly.
SvarSlettWhat mosts people criticize is coming way back from around 2000 or something, the pure espressos was a bit. well.. :), but ever since stupid people are telling the same lie over an over.
Today, Starbucks IS GOOD :)
Nice Anon: you got that right!
SvarSlettNeslekkim: It's just coffee.